About Us
- Dinie -
She ensures that not too many cows or trees were harmed in the production of Happy Meals. Our true blue environmental girl.
- JiaJin -
He ensures that everyone around the world knows their Big Mac. Our trusty cultural guy.
- XiuQing -
She ensures Burger King doesn’t sue us for copying burger ideas. Our smart political woman.
- ZhangLin -
She ensures that new McDonalds branches spring up every month, even in Timbuktu. Our savvy economics expert.
Source: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2006/08/347712.html
Okay, so maybe the picture isn't that scary, but it certainly is significant. What is the new world order, how did it come about and why does it cause so many fatalities?
I have a theory that over the centuries, the world and the human civilization that lives on it will go through different world orders. Around the nineteenth century and the twentieth century, the world heralded a new world order in the form of the rise of the modern nation state. This was largely due to massive industrialization and modernisation and the development of modern capitalist and socialist economies. Administrative structures and institutions of the modern nation-state led to conditions that led to industrial expansion. Moreover, industrial development brought with it social problems that made it necessary for the state to intervene in the form of public education and social services such as health care, housing, and education.
This new world order naturally brought about different political manifestations-the rise of nationalism, inter-state alliances, colonization and the greatest wars that the world has ever seen.
However, the time has come for a new world order, and this world order has been brought about due to globalization. With significant changes in global economic relations, the concept of the nation-state is about to become obsolete. The economic policies of the nation-state has always been centered on national economic interests, which may now conflict with the global trend towards the free and rapid movement of goods, services, finance, and labour. The old order of the nation-state is about to be replaced with the new world order of multinational, regional or even global political entities.
The crumbling of the Soviet Union and Eastern bloc a decade ago heralded a new era of world peace and increased openness between states. The processes of globalization accelerated as goods, ideas and people flowed freely across borders in the post-Cold War political environment. Policies of containment gave way to policies of openness to trade and interact based on the principles of democracy and freedom.
With the advent of the new world order, multilateral organizations such as the United Nations have changed their focus to a global approach of peacekeeping/peace-building, environmental protection, protection of human rights, and the maintenance of international laws. The creation of legal institutions like the international criminal tribunals have sprung up in large numbers over the past decade, and we see an increasing number of international conferences being held that aim to address global problems through international cooperation. All these are proof of political globalization, and they have been brought about due to the new world order.
The new world orders have always brought about many deaths and calamities as a result of the political changes. During the now defunct world order, different states struggled to come to terms with the newfound power that each of them possessed, and the novelty of control led leaders of different states to become power hungry. Ambitious expansionist moves by nations such as Japan and Germany led to the outbreaks of the two world wars that led to the massacres and intense suffering of millions of people around the world. Today, the new world order promises this same massacre and intense suffering, as different states struggle to hold on to their fast fading power, as power quickly shifts to international organizations and the like. In a bid to preserve state sovereignty, different nations refuse to deal with problems such as global warming, which promises the eventual massacre of more people than both world wars combined. We see Iran and North Korea battling it out with Western states over their supposed nuclear arms. Iran and North Korea insist it is their right to harness nuclear energy, but Western states, especially the US, have promised economic sanctions should both countries fail to deactivate their nuclear reactors. Economic sactions could have a huge negative effect on both countries, such as the starvation of many innocent citizens. Moreover, more deaths would occur in the course of a nuclear war, which many experts fear to be looming.
Different world orders indeed have a strong impact in the political arenas. The question is whether the world is ready for a new world order so soon. Currently, the answer appears to be not as states desperately cling on to any shreds of power they see left, as the new world order threatens to crumble nation states and national political institutions. We can only wait with bated breaths to see what happens next.
Always politically correct, Xiu Qing!
Ahh. The crumbling of national boundaries. Nothing says it more perfectly than a Chinese boy eating Malay food, as you see in the photograph above. With globalization, we are exposed to many different cultures around the world, and slowly but surely, we incorporate elements of these different cultures into our daily lives. A non-Chinese person many be rocking out to a Chinese pop song, while a Westerner enjoys his favourite roti prata meal.
And finally, the last photograph! This point and the last point are sort of linked. The crumbling of national boundaries in turn leads to cultural homogenization, which is what this image is all about. The world gradually morphs into one that has a similar culture, one underlying culture. In this case, we think Western culture is the most predominant. You find Starbucks and McDonalds (heh heh) outlets even in China, and shoe brands like the ones being shown above (Nike, Reebok and New Balance) are found all over the world.
So all hail the powers of globalisation! And our expert photo taking skills! Till next time then, McDonald's Crew!
Posted by: Xiu Qing
Blog of The Week!
(23rd-29th April)